In the words of Missy, "If you're not cumming, you're crying."
Hello my dear Fleshlings, and welcome to our very first pornstar podcast! This morning, I had the pleasure of interviewing the one and only Missy Martinez about fun things like Ted Cruz, space gonorrhea, asshole garb, and the proposed XXX sanctions that could make all your favorite pornstars wear goggles during blow jobs. Fun! We've embedded the episode here, but feel free to follow us on, too. Behold:
Links from the episode:
- The dealio with OSHA and those sex goggles.
- The APAC.
- Final vote for condom and goggle regulations in Oakland.
- Donate!
- How to be a better porn consumer, a la Missy Martinez.
Where you can find Missy:
Twitter: @MissyXMartinez
Have suggestions, requests, or feedback? Send me an email at [email protected].