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Not That We Need Another Reason to Love Rosario Dawson


She Goes and Gives Us Another Reason

We love Rosario Dawson. Each and every single one of us loves Rosario Dawson, and if you are trying to pretend that you're not into Rosario Dawson, just stop - you're not fooling anyone. She's awesome, she's amazing, she's super duper hot, and the last thing we need is one more thing to love about her. Well, here's Rosario Dawson mediating topless wearing a pair of Batman panties. Yep, we love her more.

I don't know if this is a real or fake or just something random that Rosario Dawson decided to do and post on Instagram, but damn it, I love her more. Had she simply been standing there showing off her new Batman panties, I would have loved her more. Had she been fully dressed and simply mentioned that she could possibly, maybe, just might be wearing a pair of undies with the logo of a certain caped crusader, I would have loved more than anyone could possibly imagine. That's just the raw power of Rosario Dawson. She's hot, like really hot, and there isn't a man, woman, dog, cat, hamster, side table, dining room chair, coffee pot, or washer and dryer combination that doesn't love her.

Whatever Rosario Dawson has going on in this pic, we love it. I think I speak for everyone when I say I hope this is something she does every single day of the year.

via Rosario Dawson on Instagram

For more nude pics and videos of Rosario Dawson, head over to Mr. Skin.

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