This Never Happens When I Watch The News
Weather girl with large breasts, tight cleavage barring top, you can probably guess what’s going to happen next…
Sure, every now and then we get a hot meteorologist that may wear a rather sexy outfit, but at no point do they start running or doing jumping jacks. I don’t get it. Why haven’t we figure out a way to have sexy, big breasted meteorologists running in place, doing jumping jacks, skipping, really doing anything that might cause one or more of their breasts to flop out? I know that some of you are saying; “Hey Jack, what does any of that have to do with informing you of your current and future weather conditions for your area?” The answer, who cares? Seriously, I know more people would tune into the news if they knew there was a chance that they might see some boob, even if for only a split second.
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve watched a video just like this one that took place somewhere other than the good ol’ U-S-of-A. Come on, America, we’re supposed to the greatest country in the world and yet none of our big breasted meteorologist have ever run in place or done jumping jacks while reporting the weather.
Via Fun on YouTube