Maybe Bar Reaeli Wants to Keep Us Warm All Winter
Well, thanks a lot Bar Refaeli. I was finally ready to put away my shorts and get out my sweaters because winter is right around the corner. And then you go posting some awesome bikini pics on Instagram and make me miss summer all over again.
I guess it’s not really her fault. Bar Refaeli can probably spend the entire year moving from warm climate to warm climate, rocking a bikini wherever she goes. I mean, I think we would all do that if we could. Not the rocking the bikini part, very few of us could probably pull that one off, not like Bar Refaeli anyway. Still, for those of us who have to accept that the seasons change and the days of summer and seeing beautiful girls in bikinis are behind us, it can be hard to get such a sexy reminder of what we are missing. Though, I guess you could spin this around into a positive and say that Bar Refaeli and her bikini are getting us ready for next summer.
You know, if Bar Refaeli continues to post sexy bikini pics through the cold days of winter, it make it little easier to get through. Of course I won’t be able to tell unless Bar Refaeli keeps hitting up Instagram to show of her cleavage all winter long. Let’s keep our fingers and toes crossed that she does.
For more sexy pics and videos of Bar Refaeli, head over to Mr. Skin