Britney Spears Keeps Up the Sexiness
Have you ever been scrolling through the movies on any of the streaming services to find a movie you loved when you were younger? You get kind of excited, you start watching the movie, and as it goes you realize the movie actually sucks. You begin to wonder why you loved this movie so much? Yeah, we've all been there. But thankfully, this isn't like those moments because Britney Spears is still sexy!
Sure, we get random Instagram moments of sexiness from Britney Spears every now and again (or every other day). But what gets lost in the shuffle of our day to day lives is that Britney Spears does a live show in Vegas like 5 times a week! Maybe more! I don't know the number - I looked it up once but got distracted by a sexy Britney Spears picture and forgot what I was doing there. And I have no doubt that Britney Spears gives it her all for every show, the dancing, the costume changes, and the constant Britney Spears sexiness. Honestly, I don't know if would even be possible for Britney Spears to not be sexy.
Unlike that favorite movie of yours, no matter when you look at Britney Spears, she's going to be sexy. That's what she does and she does it better than most. The sun rises, the sun sets, and Britney Spears is somewhere, doing something, being really damn sexy the whole time.
For more sexy pics and videos of Britney Spears, head over to Mr. Skin.