Only Beyonce Gets to Do Sexy Pregnancy Announcements
In case you are just waking up from a 25-year long coma or just a plain old ordinary 25-day coma, I have news - Beyoncé Knowles is pregnant again! With twins! She made the announcement with a pretty awesome photo, but apparently there are more photos. And guess what, the photos are pretty awesome.
I don't mean to mock Beyonce; these pictures are really great and I'm happy for her and Jay-Z, I really am. I just can't help but think how many people are going to try and copy these photos for their pregnancy announcements. Yes, gone are the days of the couples hold a jar of Preggo Pasta sauce or bun in the oven as joke photos, now we will have to suffer through our cousin announcing she's having a baby by wearing only a bra while laying on the couch with a few fake flowers scattered around her. Look, there is only one Beyonce and only the one Beyonce can have underwater pregnancy photos. So, please, let's save the time and effort that would go into trying to re-create these photos and just go back to the standard happy couple together with their shirts up and sticking out their tummies.
Please, people, can we just enjoy seeing a sexy pregnant Beyonce? I don't think it's asking too much that we let Beyonce be the one and only to say she's having twins like this.