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St. Patty’s With Maddy


Maddy O'Reilly

It wouldn't be right if XCritic didn't celebrate Saint Patrick's Day with the one and only Maddy O'Reilly. It's become kind of a tradition for us. We've followed her career from her earliest days with one of her earliest interviews, reviewed countless films of hers some of which we featured in our Woman Crush Wednesday in November, given her multi-award-nominated 2013 showcase Maddy with Hard X our highest rating of XCritic Pick which we also made a photo gallery for, featured her on Snapchats in times past, and so much more. You could say we're pretty hooked on this hottie! In this unprecedented year, we just couldn't get her scheduled to do something special for St. Patrick's Day but you can all raise a glass with us as we once again celebrate the day with one of our favorite starlets who you can follow on Twitter and Onlyfans. Cheers!

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