Each month we like to thank our great sponsors for not only supporting us but by consistently delivering great porn to the world! Without studios like them, we'd all be awash in a sea of mediocre adult films and that would totally suck. XCritic exists solely to help steer consumers away from mediocrity and into the realm of greatness, where their porn dollars won't be wasted. Check out the new titles from our sponsors, you won't be disappointed!
Here's a few of their latest releases! Get 'em while they're hot!
- I'm My Stepdad's Favorite from Digital Sin
- My Best Friend's Wife 2 from New Sensations
- Mother-Daughter Exchange Club 55 from Girlfriends Films
- Fallen II: Angels & Demons from Wicked Pictures
- Teenage Breeder from Porn Fidelity
- Fantasy Factory: Wastelands from Girlsway
- Interracial Icon V9 from Blacked.com
- Future Darkly Vol 1 from Pure Taboo
Also, be sure to sign up for Empire Unlimited at Adult Empire, they've supported XCritic from day 1 and they are the best online adult retailer out there!