Hi Miko, how long have you been in the industry? How did you get started in it?
There were many reasons why I ultimately decided to leave law school and pursue a career in this industry, but the TL;DR (Too lazy; didn't read) version is as follows: I initially got into porn because I wanted to make some quick money, I was bored with my then-boyfriend, and I liked the idea of a 2 week paid vacation to Miami where I would make some extra money and fuck away some post finals stress. I had no plans or aspirations of being a porn star until after I started shooting and realized I had fallen in love with the industry and didn't want to waste anymore of my life working towards something I didn't have a passion for.
Personally, I like women who are more feminine (in respect to how they style, dress, and act), but aggressive and dominant during playtime. I'm a little shy and awkward around girls (yes, more than I am regularly) so I like a woman who is confident and able to conjure the sexual deviant out of me. Well one of the sexual deviants-- I have quite a few.
In your restroom scene with Cassidy Klein for Brazzers you were in the submissive role as she had her way with you. Will we be seeing you any scenes where the tables are turned and you get to act as the dominant person?
I actually just shot some clips for Asian Mean Girls where I got to play dominatrix roles. I believe I shot a POV, ball busting clip, and a couple dungeon scenes (with leather, whips, and paddles, oh my).
I really like talking on the radio, especially as a James's co-host. I just met him last week, about 10 minutes before the show started, but right off the bat I knew we were going to have great on-air chemistry. He is personable, easy to talk to, and is obviously a tenured veteran in this industry. I am looking forward to contributing as much as I can to the show and learning as much as I can.
Going a step forward with that, I find it equally as surprising that the industry hasn't done more to adapt to the changing market. That is, going beyond just cutting budgets and downsizing. Perhaps we need to think about deviating away from traditional distribution models(such as dvd distr., membership based sites,etc) and focus on building a new way to sell/market/experience porn.
And correct. I am working on a documentary-- but it's far from pre-production, even. I recently just finished writing a treatment for the concept of the doc. and now I am currently working on pitching it to production companies and investors. I don't want to talk too much about it until I've secured the proper funding to start the project; however, I am willing to share the following: 1) the documentary will focus on the porn industry, 2) it will not take the form of an autobiographical documentary (see also Katy Perry: Part of Me) 3) It will be NSFW as fuck.
As for preference, I am more of a dog person in real life, but a cat person when I'm on the interwebz, I'm not sure if that made sense... Basically, I prefer dogs as pets, but I am also an avid fan of cat memes, cat gifs, and cute cat videos on youtube.
I was a generally happy, loved, sheltered, confused, weird and (and in late childhood/early adolescence) horny child.
I immigrated with my parents from China to Knoxville, TN when I was one and lived on campus at the University of Tennessee for ten years. UT was also apparently located in an affluent school district, thus I attended a predominantly white, upper class elementary school. I distinctly remember constantly being self conscious about myself and longing to fit in. Even though I was raised in the U.S and had assimilated to Western culture, there was still a part of me that felt like an outsider. Maybe it was because I was only 1 of a handful of non-white kids at the school. Or perhaps it was because I was in an apparent constant state of cognitive dissonance-- always trying to reconcile eastern and western values and somewhere along the way, losing touch with my own sense of self and what I valued.
Overall, I feel extremely blessed that I had my parents' discipline, love, and support-- my mother and father both went to school, worked, and sacrificed sweat and tears to give me and my brother a life- one much different than their own upbringings. Aside from monetary support, my parents- specifically my father- invested a great deal of his time and energy in being an active, integral part of my life- talking to me, teaching me how to read, and interacting with me. I spent a lot of time with my dad because my mother, as the primary financial provider in the family, worked as a waitress at a local Chinese restaurant. Thus, my father took over the domestic responsibilities, which included looking after me. Up until he found out about my career, my dad and I were especially close.
Yes, thank you! My info is as follows:
Twitter: @miko_dai (this is a new handle, as my own account was compromised and deleted)
Instagrm: Mikodai_xx
Tumblr: mikodaixxx.tumblr.com
Youtube channel:
Freeones: http://www.freeones.com/html/m_links/Miko_Dai/
I will be in Cuties 8 and Cum in my Hot Wife 2-- release around the end of month
I just finished shooting a movie called Korrupt School Girls (Mile High Productions). So look out for that in the next couple months.
Also-- I'm a stoned girl and an anchor for the Naked W
eed Report. Naked Weed News BioI am also one of the co-hosts for Inside the Industry with James Bartholet -- tune in on Wednesday night from 7-9 and/or call in!
Thank you so much again for the interview! Let me know if there is anything else you need!