Everybody, and their mother has an Amazon wishlist these days. Even I personally have one. It's an efficient way to let those that care enough about you, and who are willing to buy stuff for you know exactly what it is that you are looking for as well as the best possible price for purchasing said item/gift. While this widget, app, or link does have it's pros, it also has it's cons in modern-day society. Movie stars, porn stars, and well known persons of interest have been using the Amazon Wishlist as a tool to gain extra goodies at the expense of their fans, and loyal "worshippers". I use the term "worshipper", because it fits the situation quite well. I personally feel as if these higher up entertainers/persons of interest are taking advantage of their fans in most cases, and that they are parading around like gods, and goddesses in doing so.
I'm not going to point the finger at every entertainer, or person of interest though, because some have actually been known to return the favor with a signed/autographed item. It's the performers, actors, and actresses who exploit their fanbase for sole gain, and never really think twice about that fan/worshipper that really do not deserve such attention. The added fact that some of these entertainers/persons of interests are making more than enough to buy said items themselves really aggravates me to no end. I don't care if you are the hottest thing since Elvis, or Marilyn Monroe. It doesn't give you the right to be worshipped like a god/goddess, and constantly be showered with gifts from lower class citizens who can only dream of affording the rich lifestyle that you lead. It is unforgivable.
If, however you are one of the kindhearted entertainers, or persons of interest who sends a gift for each gift given then I have no issue with you, or your Amazon Wishlist. I only hope than many others begin to follow your examples, and do the same.
I think I'm gonna end my rant there. As usual feel free to leave a comment, and I will try to reply as quickly as possible. I feel what I have said is important, and needed to be addressed. Amazon Wishlist worship is a thing that should be done right, and not abused.
- Vincent Pierce (@ParadiseTripleX)