Once in a great while, fans are given the opportunity to participate in the industry that they love. Sometimes this is up close and personal (like Fuck a Fan or Porn Week) and others that are of a grander scale. Kink.com has just launched something on a grander scale with a script writing contest.
Winner of the Grand Prize will receive a $2,000 cash prize, a private tour of the Armory (travel to SF not included), screen credit (pseudonyms okay), an autographed photo from the shoot, and a year's subscription to the Kink site of your choice. Runners-Up - If your script/story is used for a Kink shoot you will receive screen credit (pseudonyms okay) and a year subscription to the Kink site of your choice. There can be as many runners-up as there are good scripts submitted; so go for it and let your imagination run wild!
Finally everyone who submits a script that meets their submission criteria will receive 5 Kinks, which will be good for use at Kink-On-Demand or Kink Live.
See the complete rules and submit your kinky script here