It's amazing to us just how many awful porn covers there are out there. Week in and week out we are inundated with porn covers which make some of our favorite performers look like crap. An essential element of a cover we crave is that the cover actually makes us want to see the movie inside. This is accomplished by presenting the performers in the very best light possible.
There's a reason that many of these girls are porn stars, put simply they are hot enough that we want to pay to see them fuck. It's that easy and so we find ourselves constantly shaking our heads when we see most porn covers. There are a few studios who deeply understand this and they consistently deliver solid covers that make us actually want to see their movies.
Harmony may actually be an unsung hero in this category. Harmony is known for highlighting the beauty of their performers and in Alexis Texas: Nymphomaniac they've absolutely captured just how stunning Alexis Texas is. It's by far the most stunning shot of Alexis Texas we've seen and easily this week's cover we crave.
Pre-Order Alexis Texas: Nymphomaniac at AdultDVDEmpire.