So the other day I couldn't figure out what to blog about, so I asked my fans on Twitter to just blurt out any word they wanted and I would write a blog incorporating that word. I chose the word "priapism".
Ouch! I know; it seems so painful. Why would I blog about something like this? Well, because it was the most interesting word anyone had blurted out, and plus, I can relate to it a little bit. When I do a scene, I don't always get 150% satisfied. This is because I may be on top of an extremely uncomfortable surface, or they are cutting the scene so many times I am unable to get to where I need to go. Don't get me wrong, I love banging on difficult surfaces. I like a challenge, and I am the one that would love to be put in a pretzel on top of Mount Everest. If I could hang upside down from a tree and get railed, I would, but when I go home and I'm busy trying to get homework or regular work stuff done, I start to get this strange feeling in my clit. Sometimes it's really annoying at first. I'm annoyed because it's completely distracting, and I'm trying to get my work done! I ignore it for some time. Usually an hour--sometimes more. There have been times where I have tried to ignore it all day. Finally, I have to come to my senses, stop with the denial and just admit to myself I am really fucking horny.