Day 1 Team Cybergeist
"Should I Stay Or Should I Go"
There almost wasn't a "Day 1″ for me. I have 2 "Kids" my snake and
iguana. I've had them both for 17 years. Defiantly my family and they
travel with me as many places I can safely bring them. My snake passed
away in my hands hours before my flight. Part of me was thinking no no
no no this is not happening my baby fuck fuck fuck!!! Other side of me
was like this isn't on the schedule, I didn't leave enough time for
this!!! As my emotions are kicking in, I'm Heartbroken, and almost
stayed in NYC to figure out what to do with my now deceased baby. I came
to the conclusion He's dead. He's going to be dead no matter if I
stayed or go. So I pulled myself together threw some black clothing and
porn boots in a bag, pissed off and hurt, caught a cab to JFK. Fuck!
Thanks for the 17 years of smiles and Love! I miss you so much .
"Show Must go on!"
Land in TPA. Still shook up about my snake. Long time friend Angel and Sally Debauchery pick me and YaYa, the main TCG vocalist, up and off we go to the studio. YaYa and I have never practiced with our band. Team Cybergeist is a collaboration of musicians from all over the world. Most of us have never met and our music was recorded separately and sent to Angel in emails.
Day 1 at Practice
Oh Boy!!! I've NEVER sang with a band before. Its no where near the same as practicing at home Karaoke style. You can feel every instruments vibrations filling your body. Like standing next to a speaker at a live show. Except we are the live show ;-/. and now i have to project my voice louder then normal and stay in tune.
I was in quire since kindergarten, all though middle school, and most of high school. Singing live had never been a problem..... Yeah Been. I was a little nervous before, now I'm really nervous and there's no one in the room but the band.
We practiced my song about 5x's on day one. I'd of really like to have
had more time but Team Cybereist is a collaboration of many artist and I
had to share .
YaYa, Angel, and Sally.
After practice we did a 2AM "Super Wal-Mart" run to get me some Vegan food. I was really surprised at Wal-Marts organic produce selection. They even had HFCS free organic peanut butter!