Still one of the absolute best places for hot of the presses porn news XCritic Newswire is jam packed with all the latest porn news right from the source.
Here are just a few of the most recent stories to go over the wire:
- Adam & Eve Pictures Launches "A-Team XXX" Website
- Sing Along with the Cast of the This Ain't Glee XXX Parody!!
- Introducing Sea J Raw
- "The Breakfast Club: A XXX Parody" Cover Art Released
- Digital Playground's Riley Steele To Host 2011 Avn Awards Show
- Good Vibrations Accepts Je Joue's "The G-Spot Does Exist" Challenge
Check out these news stories and more in the XCritic Newswire . Also be sure to add the RSS Feed for the XCritic Newswire to your start page along with our other great feeds
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