i know yall are thinking where the FUCK is adrenalynn? im H E R E :] after dealing with h o r r i b l e surgery complications. I actually sent an email to a buddy on a modified site about what happened here is an excerpt and mouth update for you:
"haha. no its getting a lot better. i toughed it out for 1 1/2 weeks with some advil . i dont really dig taking pills. plus my body doesnt really dig em, especially on that low calorie count. i guess day 5 i broke down and had a perkaset ?sp? i wasnt in pain for a few hours, shit i was on could 11, then it wasnt so pretty.
i later found out i did in fact have dry socket and there was exposed jaw bone from the same hole. really sucked! so i had like 3 weeks of pain before i could even really start healing, or eating SOLID food. . . all the while trying to do interviews and other online whatnot. ie: maintaining messages so i didnt have even more to catch up on
[i need to blog about this so i may copy and paste this email :] "
"adrenalynn looking more like myself"
i guess what im trying to say is, i have so much for you all to be updated on and pictures to share, its just life has been in the way a bit. so know that when im updating and responding to your messages its between so many of my other duties.