Hurricane Ike devastated the Houston area a few weeks ago and I was one of the people stricken without electricity and water until today. I was fortunate enough that a friend let me write a few reviews at her place last week but as expected, a number of projects were pushed back due to the circumstances. The power still comes and goes as they fix some of the surrounding area but I will answer emails and catch up on reviews of those long-awaited blockbuster titles as they come in, hopefully giving you an honest look at Not Bewitched XXX, Pirates II, Surfer Girls 2, Buttman's Beautiful Brazilian Ass (blu-ray), The Fallen, Icon, and several other titles that are projected to be of interest.
I helped a lot of people worse off than I was in the past two weeks, even to the point of being stranded away from home as Ike hit the area, so getting back to helping people find porn they can appreciate seems trivial but a welcome return to normalcy that I can live with. That said, feel free to donate to the Red Cross or other credible relief organization because a whole lot of people are SOL at this writing. Oh, and the rumors that I lost my mythic 7000+ DVD porn collection are not true though some of my memorabilia did end up having to be tossed out.
In any case, count your blessings and learn to appreciate the amenities of life because it really sucks when life throws you a curveball like that. ;)
Until I get settled, here are some questions I'd like answered:
(bringing a copy of Deeper 11 with her)