JTZ and 50 other LA people I know were texting me all week asking if I was going to bondage ball, so I finally agreed to go with Jack to keep him company since his woman was part of the entertainment. Jack is fucking awesome, he's this completely twisted ex-tattoo artist from nyc who likes to tell stories from his days going to the hellfire club and other places so raunchy and underground they were too dirty to make it into the pop-sub-culture general knowledge. At some point I catch a glimpse of this genuinely attractive dude with pretty awesome rocker dude style, and kinda want to bang him. Two hours later I'm upstairs smoking and run into Tony Batman (A! entertaiment), exchange some small talk, he gives me a bit of a ribbing about the last time we ran into each other, I say something about boys I sleep with being like tissues, and then have to rapidly excuse myself since I've spotted rockerdude a few feet away.
The conversation goes on for about three minutes before he asks if I want to come back to his apartment and drink whiskey. I'm guessing drink whiskey is code for fuck like rabbits all night. This is an accurate guess. I love when a dude turns out to be a better lay than I was expecting.
On the way back to his place, he informs me of the date of his last test and says that he always uses condoms anyway. Once his pants are off I realize I'm dealing with porno-sized cock. Very rarely do I find porno sized cock in the wild. He sticks his face in my pussy, and about ten minutes later there's a knock on the door.
His roommates.
They let his ex-girlfriend in.
He tells her he's busy and to go away, and she responds with "What are you doing in there, fucking someone?"
Haha. Hahaha.
He says yes. Cause that's what's going on. Well, technically he was going down on me, but the fucking is next on the to-do list. She responds with something along the lines of ''yeah right, just open the door''.
At this point nothing is going to get in between me and returning, so I say "Actually, he kind of is"
I guess she went away.
Commence fucking like rabbits. I had hand prints on my ass and he had bite marks on his shoulder.
I walked home the following afternoon in my rubber minidress and these shoes. Sans underwear. Amazing.
What? I like to put things in my mouth.