Puff, Puff, Puff
Goddess D, who also goes by Fetish Goddess D, loves to smoke cigarettes while the internet watches and here in this new clip, she is looking fucking gorgeous as she does it. She does not say what brand of cigarette she is smoking but that it is a white filtered 100, which probably matters a whole lot to someone with this fetish. That makes sense. It is a different shape that she is bringing up to her lips and breathing in. Smoking is such an easy act to sexualize and she is a very sex, sexy woman.
I love her purple eyeshadow here. She always does her makeup really well in these clips. That sweater is so, so flattering. I wonder if it is soft and fluffy or more itchy but warm. I have to say that I like smoking videos because they force me to slow down. I don't smoke at all but watching D smoke is meditative in a way. I can vicariously take my own smoke break with a clip like this without having my teeth get stained.
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