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Jenny G. Is A Solo Stroking Schoolgirl Over at TS Playground


Schoolgirl Stroking!

Super hot Asian starlet Jenny G. has a cute little bob and a lovely, sweet smile in her brand new scene over at TS Playground directed by Evil Angel director Jay Sin. She is super pretty in pink with her pink plaid bikini top, her matching pink plaid schoolgirl skirt and her pink eyeshadow. I love her perky tits and how she loves putting her fingers between her pink lipstick coated lips to show us that she is a girl who loves using that lovely mouth of hers.

She is wearing black and pink crotchless panties and her long dick looks fucking great here. Sin loves checking out a hot girl's asshole and we get plenty of time to ponder the wonders and pleasures of G.'s asshole as she spreads her cheeks for us all in a bunch of different positions. All of the poses just make that ass of hers look so inviting. She has lovely long legs too and she smiles and strokes her cock, smiling as she gets herself off. Go watch the whole scene today!

Click right here or on the banner below to go watch the whole scene right now!


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