Does She Just Buy The Bottoms?
It's a pretty well established fact that Heidi Klum tends to go topless whenever she's on a beach or near a pool. That's one of the many reasons she's so damn awesome. Yet, I can't help, but wonder what does Heidi Klum do with all her bikini tops?
This thought is not going to stop me from enjoying Heidi Klum topless all the time, but I am a little on the curious side. Does she save them? Does she only buy bikini bottoms? Does she donate them to charity or something? Really, I haven't foggiest of ideas of what Heidi Klum does with her bikini. The only thing I know for sure is she doesn't wear them. And I love that. There are few things in this world that will always be wonderful and one of them is Heidi Klum topless near a body of water. It's one of the reasons we all love water so damn much. Sure, we need it to live, but we need it more so Heidi Klum has a place to be topless.
Though if Heidi Klum wanted to be topless in other places she could. All I'm saying is when she's topless by wonder it's pretty great to look at. Still, what does Heidi Klum do with all those unused bikini tops? Maybe we'll find out one of these days.
For more nude pics and videos of Heidi Klum, head over to Mr. Skin.