Have You Seen Her In A Raincoat?
There isn't a single person alive who doesn't enjoy seeing Aubrey O’Day in lingerie. It's awesome, it's great, it's sexy as hell, but is it the sexiest...? I know a lot of people are screaming "of course you fool!" and "damn straight!" and "why are you still talking when there's Aubrey O’Day in lingerie!?" First off, we don't need the yelling. Second, I agree Aubrey O’Day in lingerie is sexy, but have you seen Aubrey O’Day in a raincoat?
Holy downpour of sexiness, Batman! Aubrey O’Day takes wearing a raincoat to a place few thought was possible, the place where raincoats are sexy. Usually when someone is wearing little more than a raincoat, the last thing any of us want to see is what's underneath. Not this time around, thanks to Aubrey O’Day looking sexy as hell in little more than a raincoat between us and her awesome breasts, raincoats are the new lingerie. I'll even admit to taking a good, long look at Aubrey O’Day's cleavage just to make sure there wasn't a nip slip. There's not, but I'm totally going to check again.
We are all happy to see Aubrey O’Day in lingerie any day of the week, but from now on I'll be comparing Aubrey O’Day in a lingerie to Aubrey O’Day in a raincoat. That is unless she starts posing for raincoat companies now... that would be great.
For more sexy pics and videos of Aubrey O’Day, head over to Mr. Skin.