Release All The Sexy Megan Fox Pics!
Look, I'm not trying to look a gift Megan Fox in lingerie in the mouth, but where are the rest of the pics? I know this isn't all of them. I know Megan Fox did not only design five new pieces of lingerie for her Frederick's of Hollywood 2018 collection. So, where are the rest?
Are they only releasing a few at a time so as to not overload us with Megan Fox sexiness? That's not fair. We all know that Megan Fox is super sexy in lingerie and we are willing to take the chance of being overloaded with that sexiness. We all make that agreement by walking around in this world. Everyone is aware of the danger, but it's a risk each and every one of us is willing to take. Megan Fox is incredibly sexy and her lingerie is some of the sexiest around. You put her in lingerie and things are pretty much at peak sexiness. There is always a chance that Megan Fox will overload the sexiness and we are totally fine with that.
Whoever is behind this whole decision to only release five pics of Megan Fox in lingerie should be fired. I get that they are only looking out for our health and well being, but when it comes to Megan Fox in lingerie, we demand all the pics at once or none at all. Although, never hold on to Megan Fox in lingerie pics, that would just be mean.
For more sexy pics and videos of Megan Fox, head over to Mr. Skin.