Camila Mendes' Hotness Could Blind You
I know nothing about stocks. From what I can tell, a bunch of people get in a room and yell at each other and the cost of things go up and down. That makes no sense to me whatsoever and that's probably why I'm not a billionaire on a boat somewhere. But the one thing I know for sure about sexy stocks is that Camila Mendes' sexy stock keeps going up and up and up.
Man, I don't even know where to begin. Is it with Camila Mendes in a see-through top? Getting a glimpse of a super sexy Camila Mendes nipple is always awesome. But on the other hand, you've got Camila Mendes in a red bikini top. Talk about needing to cover your eyes from the rays of hotness coming at you. Yes, one might be blinded by the hotness of Camila Mendes. Of course, that would be terrible because if you were blinded by the hotness of Camila Mendes, how could you see future Camila Mendes hotness? That thought is going to keep me up tonight, I just know it. Sure, Camila Mendes is so hot that all of these sexy images of her are going to be burned in memory banks, but I sure as hell don't want to miss out on seeing more Camila Mendes sexiness.
And that's why you buy stocks! I know we can't buy stock in someone's hotness, but I'm sure if we could then we'd all get some shares in Camila Mendes' super sexy stock.
photos via Nylon Magazine
For more sexy pics and videos of Camila Mendes, head over to Mr. Skin.