Who Isn't Loving Super Sexy Dakota Fanning?
So, I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but Dakota Fanning is looking good. One might go so far as to say Dakota FanningĀ is looking super hot. Yes, that person was me and I totally cool being the one to say it.
Dakota Fanning has always been kind of hot, but more in a girl next door kind of way or like a small town girl with a heart of gold that you end up with at the end of the movie. But more recently it would seem like she's stretching her hotness a bit and heading into super sexy territory. Of course, I'm totally fine with this. If Dakota Fanning wants to go super sexy, who am I to tell her not to. She can apparently pull it off, she's been doing it for a while now. My only complaint, and this very minor, is that Dakota Fanning seems to be super hot in magazines, not so much in movies. I think we can all agree that Dakota Fanning needs to show off this hotter side on the big screen. Seeing Dakota Fanning being larger than life and super sexy on the big screen would be a great way to spend a summer day.
Though, I wouldn't want Dakota Fanning to pass up any opportunity to be super sexy. Be it in magazines or ads or whatever, if Dakota Fanning can be super sexy then Dakota Fanning should be super sexy.
photos via DoJour Magazine
For more sexy pics and videos of Dakota Fanning, head over to Mr. Skin.