Charlotte McKinney In A Bikini Is A Reason To Live
I know we toss around words like "best" and "greatest" and "best thing ever" to the point that they almost lose meaning, but this time around, I really mean it. There is nothing better in this world than Charlotte McKinney in a bikini. No meal, no song, no place, nothing at all can compare to the truly awesome sight of Charlotte McKinney in a bikini.
We all need air, food, and water to live and those things can be great. I'll agree that there are times when all that stuff is the best, but really if we could live without we would. Let's just be honest with ourselves and admit that if we could live off of Charlotte McKinney in a bikini we would totally do it. Don't ask me how it would work, I'm not some kind of doctor, I don't know how we work. All I'm saying is Charlotte McKinney in a bikini is so freaking fantastic that if it is was the only thing we ever got, we'd all be happy. The world would simply be one happy Charlotte McKinney bikini-filled place.
I'm not coming at this lightly, I know what I'm saying. I have no doubt there will be some out there who will challenge this view, but I'm okay with it. When I have Charlotte McKinney in a bikini it's the greatest shield against any attack... except like a real bomb or something.
via popoholic
For more sexy pics and videos of Charlotte McKinney, head over to Mr. Skin.