We're a little concerned about reports that a possible bug in the iPod Photo may render it unsuitable for taking porn on the go, which as far as we're concerned is the whole point of plunking down $500+ on a new version of something we own already: Cult of Mac warns against the potentially embarassing situation which may occur when a photo from a "private" folder of images is inadvertently inserted into a G-rated slideshow, thus making you think twice about loading up your iPod with pictures you downloaded from, say, a Best of Babelogs post—or at least from sharing your treasured mammaries memories with others. Maybe we'll just stick with keeping a supply of dirty pics on our cellphones for the time being.
"Apple: No Porno IPod" (Cult of Mac)
See also: "Automated detection of pornographic images" (US Patent #6,751,348 [2001] @ uspto.gov - thanks L.)
Previously: iPod Porn, The Apple Collection, iPod Girl