The NY Post reports that "Private Stars", the Euro compete-to-be-a-pornstar reality series (complete with hidden cameras and knicker-sniffing contests) which just ended a massively sucessful run on Bravo UK this season, may be coming to US television. We hope it makes it stateside soon—once Heidi Klum's stint on "Project Runway" is over, we're going to need something to fill in the gap in our TiVo schedule. (In the meantime, buy that stock while you can still afford it, folks!)
"British Reality Porn On Way to US" (NY Post)
"Private Stars" (series info, galleries, and video clips @; free registration required to access XXX content)
Previously: "Scandanavian Porn Idol", "Jewel De'Nyle's Porn Star Idol", "American Porn Star", Meet Joe Porn Star, Be The Mask