The curious case of Anara Gupta took a strange turn today as the former Miss Jammu (India) sued police for coercing her into admitting she had been forced to appear in a porn movie; she now says that "she had nothing to do with the pornographic tape" in which she was allegedly 16 when she allegedly made. Confused? We were too, until we read the helpful FAQ and discussion board at, which will also give you a good sense of the way porn and celebrity culture are colluding in South Asia these days. (And everywhere else, for that matter.)
"Jammu 'porn queen' sues police" (, 12/8)
"Sex n the city (Anara Gupta) (FAQ and discussion boards @
Thumbnail via Daily Excelsior (10/2001)
Previously: India Times Babes, Padma Lakshmi, Aylar: Pageant Porn Star