If you've already worked your fingers to the bone(r) following all the lessons on that Origami Underground site that made the blog rounds a while back, you may want to pick up a copy of Master Sugoi's excellent illustrated treatise on the subject: in addition to his classic Dollar Bill Vagina*, you'll find dozens of other paper folding projects including step-by-step instructions for creating "breasts, rope/whip, Sperm, Ovum, interactive mouth, condom, handcuffs, Basic Penis, Basic Vagina, Amazing 3-D Penis & Scrotum &
Exhibitionist's Shorts with protruding Penis." You'll never look at the stray cash floating around in your pocket the same way again!
Pornogami: Erotic Origami For Lovers (book information @ firehousegallery.com, via Gay Sex Blog)
Order: "Pornogami: A Guide to the Ancient Art of Paper-Folding for Adults" (Amazon)
*Update Regarding that Dollar Bill Vagina, a Fleshbot reader writes "I was hoping you could help reclaim some anatomical precision. I followed the link for the 'Dollar Bill Vagina' and found it instructive, but what I ended up making was a vulva, not a vagina. Vaginas are internal canals. The 'Dollar Bill Vagina' is all about the external structures. The only way to make a vagina of it would be to poke a hole in the middle. Lots of people say 'vagina' when they mean 'vulva' (well, they probably mean 'pussy'). But they aren't the same thing." Duly noted, Tim—thanks for the clarification!
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Previously: Erotic Origami