Part of what makes our job so challenging is having to sift through all the really bad porn out there, both gay and straight: sure, it's good for a giggle or two sometimes, but Fleshbot is dedicated to bringing you quality smut, and honestly—do you really want to jerk off to stuff like a grown man dressed in a Baby New Year outfit or a spread called "Killer Pumpkin Fucker"? Apparently, someone somewhere thinks you do—good thing, too, or this site wouldn't have a reason to exist and we wouldn't have been able to share the best laugh we've had all week. (Then again, if you do happen to find yourself turned on by that Killer Pumpkin Fucker, that's OK. We promise not to laugh at you.)
Stupid Porn (
Previously: Dumb Gay Porn, Awful Porn Reviews, Stupid Porn Star Tricks