By this time of the year, all the 2005 calendars at your local mall that were so bright and shiny a mere two months ago are but dogeared, remaindered shadows of their former selves. The offerings at Neroscan, however, are just as bright and shiny as ever—and since they're all free for the taking, you don't have to worry about them being 1/12 less useful already than they were at the beginning of the year. Who needs all that glossy stock anyway?
Speciale Calendari 2005 (Flash galleries @, via Body Collector)
Previously: 2005 Sexy Coffins Calendar, 2005 FHM Calendar, 2005 PlayBot Calendar, 2005 Calendar Girls Forever, 2005 Calendar Girls, More 2005 Calendar Girls, Pirelli 2005 Calendar, Wicked Weasel 2005 Calendar