We're intrigued by anything that bills itself as promoting a "revolution for the vaginal orgasm", but part of us has to wonder whether this pitch site for a Kegel exercising device is all an elaborate, er, come-on: Can "Dr. Stifter" really be the inventor's name? What the hell do those initials stand for anyway?* Just exactly what is the relationship between the plastic gizmo and "female incontinence"? (Maybe we don't really want to know.) Is it really possible to learn all about C.O.M.E.-ing via a four minute video, and if so why is the video link on the English language side of the site broken? Is this all some elaborate German performance art piece? What the hell is going on?
C.O.M.E. - "Die Revolution für den vaginalen Orgasmus" (come.at, via Indie Nudes)
Update It's "Clinical Orgasm Muscle Exerciser
. Duh! (Thanks G.)
Previously: "Honey, We Blew Up Your Pussy", Sexual Physics, Radio Vulva!, All About Labiaplasty, The Real Orgasmatron?