Our friends at Transvigor ponder what life would be like if the real Paris Hilton were replaced by the spookily realistic simulacrum on sale now at this CGI superstore site: "She would be likable and gracious and never vomit in public. The CGI Paris would be scripted and so would never say anything stupid on a reality show ... She couldn
t lose her T-Mobile Sidekick
s text message archive and address book to hackers, or be filmed performing oral sex. The digital Paris would never do anything stupid, short-sighted or self-centered. Never, ever, ever." We'd also have less to post about where Paris is concerned, of course, but all things considered maybe it's not such a bad tradeoff?
"The Heiress" for SP3 (item info @ daz3d.com, via Transvigor)
Previously: Celebrity Virtual Hotties, "Paris Hilton's Cellphone! Hacked!", Paris' Pubes @ eBay, Paris Hilton Barbie