Since the Mystery Babe Contest we posted earlier this week got such an enthusiastic response (really, thanks to all two dozen of you who sent in guesses!), we thought we'd try applying the collected porn savviness of our readers to finding out the identity of another unidentified hottie who's heating up a discussion at Sensible Erection today: how could we possibly resist an email this morning which begs "It's up to you, Fleshbot ... you're our only hope!"? (Unfortunately there won't be any prizes this time, but if you're able to tell us who she is you'll have earned the eternal gratitude of your fellow amateur smut fans, and what could possibly be better than that?) We're leaving this one in your hands. Please try to make sure they don't get too sticky.
"161 Pictures of That One Girl" (Sensible Erection)
Update A reader points us to this page at Project Voyeur, which may identify the model and provide the backstory behind these photos ... or may not. Thanks, Niko! (
Previously: Mystery Babe Contest, More Naked Mystery Bloggers, Mystery Booty Archive, Mystery MILF