It's touching, really, how badly people want to believe that these obviously doctored and/or old photos allegedly showing Mariah Carey falling out of her dress this week (and to which someone added an MTV watermark at some point over the last 24 hours for extra "authenticity") are the real thing—but we've received no less than a dozen links to sites featuring them this morning, and we're sorry to say that we're still not convinced enough to let that precious DVD copy of "Glitter" we mentioned as an incentive yesterday go to just anyone. Stay on the lookout, kids! (Oh, and if anyone wants to send us some fake stills from that alleged Colin Farrell sex tape, we'll be happy to take a peek at those as well.)
(Thanks to TJ for sending us this iteration.)
See also: Completely unrelated red carpet photos of Mariah at the 2000 World Music Awards here ( - thanks Tim)
Update The good news: Our friends at Double Viking found an alleged screencap from that German TV appearance which at least looks a lot more plausible than the ones above. The bad news: You still can't see any boobage. (
See the maybe-it's-from-German-TV-and-maybe-it's-not but who-cares-because-it-stops-before-the-good-part-anyway video @ (thanks Z.)
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