As much as we hate to admit defeat, we were glad to see that someone had posted a video clip of that "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" "Hot Coffee" mod we posted about a few weeks ago and have been trying to get to work ever since. Now that we've seen it, we can definitely see why some people are getting so upset: not because we think depictions of consensual sex with hookers in mature-rated videogames are wrong or anything, but because it sends the message that it's possible for men to have intercourse without unzipping their flys or taking a single article of clothing off ... and is this really the misguided lesson we want impressionable members of the gaming community to get from their entertainment?
· "GTS Hidden Sex Scene" (.wmv video @
· "GTA Hot Coffee Mod" (
See also: "'Grand Theft' maker blames hackers for sex scenes" ( - thanks Sanj)
Update More @ Gamespot, which reports that noted gaming authority Hillary Clinton is planning to launch a federal inquiry into the GTA sex mod later this week. (
Previously: GTA Sex Hack?, Boobies on C-SPAN