What Gilles Neret did when he edited his quintessentially historical and important books on Dali, Klimt and Michelangelo, he did equally for his culturally pivotal (though less talked about) books such as Erotica Universalis and 1000 Dessous: offering up a vastly sensuous visual feast that declined to offer contrite explanations but instead provided a lush and wholly accurate history of each genre. Since my introduction to Neret was through his Tashen sex books I initially had little idea that he'd worked in French and Japanese fashion and art history since 1960, but his polite passion for the perverse reflected that background, and his work, unlike any other sex art book editor of our times, will be missed. V. Blue
Taschen: Gilles Neret (taschen.com, thanks TS)
See also:
· Touche Sexy: Gilles Neret (touchesexy.blogs.com)
· SexTV: Gilles Neret (photos and video, sextelevision.net)
· Erotica Box Set @ Amazon (amazon.com)
· Serge Jacques by Gilles Neret @ Amazon (amazon.com)