I've always felt then when obtaining bodies for the next big porn shoot, today's auteurs ought look no further than Barbie's Dream House for cast, sets and crews that neither need food nor payment, just lots of little plastic shoe changes. Larson Industries takes my multinational corporate business plan a step further, combining fetish and those genital-less little dolls in scenes that have made me smile in an almost violently happy way, even though his dolls are missing my childhood modifications of accidental amputations and burn victim hairstyles. Which is definitely for the best. His other work, which ranges from the erotic to a guns-for-foodstamps piece, is fabulous too. V. Blue
Larson Industries (larsonindustries.com, thanks Mark!)
Previously: Guy Bourdin, Wahb Photo, Vellum: Volume 4, Clayton James Cubitt for Vellum, New @ Famous 69, Klaus Mitteldorf Photography, Kraus99 Magazine, Base London: "Unmodel Behavior", Xpose Photodesign