Sure, there are plenty of choices if you're content to slap a regular old pinup calendar featuring nude supermodels or Italian celebrities up on the wall and call it a day year, but what to do if your tastes lie in the more rarefied areas of Bible fetishism or fine French cheeses? Not to worry: these two European releases have you covered for the next twelve months. You'll never go hungry for some hot naked Rahab action or Camembert-slinging cuties again! (Or at least until 2007.)
· Erotic Bible Calendar (; see also Bibel Kalender)
· La Journée nationale du fromage: 2006 Calendar (Flash gallery @, via Touche Sexy)
Previously: 2006 Pirelli Calendar, Areaticino Calendario 2006, More Areaticino 2006 Calendars, EdelWeiss 2006 Nudes