I'm not sure what makes something "fetish fashion" instead of just plain old fashion. What's the difference between, say, lusting after the hem of a silk crepe dress and the rubber elasticity of an innertube trimmed to fit like a corset? All fashion involves some degree of fetishism, doesn't it? Maybe the difference has something to do with the amount of bare boobage on display—at least where the photography of Eric Martin is concerned. He's definitely got Jean Paul Gaultier beat on that count.- J. West
Eric Martin, Fetish Fashion Photographer (num-eric, via Sexoteric)
Previously: Pierre Thomas Karkau Photography, Thierry Legoues Photography, Guy Bourdin, A Magazine, Senze Issue #4, Hartmut Priesner, Senze: Fetish Fashion, Ben Westwood: "F**k Fashion"