Bitter and jaded smut disseminators that we are, it once again took us a while to believe that this fan blog wasn't a stealth marketing tool concocted by the folks at Abby Winters to drive traffic to their paysite—but after an email from the lovely curator herself, we're convinced that it really is a labor of love. Then again, since Lori is objective enough to include links to and photos from other quality nudie sites (like I Shot Myself and Beautiful Agony)—not to mention the fact that Abby's all-natural lovelies have always inspired a particular kind of affection in our own hearts—maybe we never should have called her objectivity into doubt in the first place?
I Love Abby Winters (
Thumbnail: Rochelle and Shae
Previously: Simply Sapphic Erotica, The Sky Loft, Shae and Rochelle, Abby WInters