"The recourse to the Internet finally became necessary not to remain at the Paleolithic era of communication. Indeed I deplore my pictures' lack of definition on screen partly due to an important loss of black and white nuances because being quickly saturated...." Ok, Mr. De Lay, we get your point: The internet sucks, digital photography sucks, and you're doing us a favor by sharing your images online in a virtual portfolio. Are you sure we're worthy of your perfectly crafted black and white photographs of beautiful naked women? (Please say yes—now that we've had a look, we sort of can't imagine our lives without them. Oh, and thank you ... just in case we were sounding, you know, ungrateful or anything.)A. Tolesco/JD
Stefan De Lay (stefandelay.com)
Previously: Photos by Guillaume, Photos by Vlad Gansovsky, Photos by Fred Kryel, Photos by Geoff Cordner, Photos by Juan Carlos Rivas, Photos by Peter Franck, Photos by Philipe Salomon