We're not sure which part of this site catering to the questionably lucrative alien porn niche market is more hysterical: the clunky Photoshop mashups or the even more clunkily translated copy: "Kelly tried to stand up to the alien but he all the same pushed his red warm dick into her tight pussy. Only couple of penetrations was enough to excite that nasty girl and turn her into wild greedy animal!" OK, so it's not the slickest of smut sites we've happened across—but if you're jonesing to have all your consensual alien rape fantasies rendered into visual form for a mere $29.95a month, where else are you going to go?
UFO and Sex (membership tour @ ufoandsex.com, via tgp.com)
Previously: Alien Dildos, Intergalactic Love, Hot Daleks Porn!, Terrestres Extras, Sexy Trekkies, Jar Jar Porn, 3D Tentacle Porn, More Alien Porn