It's kind of hard to tell what Italian filmmakers Luca Curci and Fabiana Roscioli's "Impossible Love" is about exactly without seeing the actual video, and unfortunately the obtuse synopsis isn't terribly enlightening: "No place. No space. No identity. Only a binary vision in a dimension, in which the body-machine tries to interact, to communicate. Fighting between the essence and the absence, the contact and the vision, the silence and the vacuity." What this seems to translate to is a bunch of gauzy shots of three (or is it four?) chicks making out in a pool of syrupy red Jello and various hot couples doing what hot couples generally do in porn videos, all set to an experimental soundtrack; maybe you'll have better luck deciphering the trailer and screenshot gallery than we did.
"Impossible Love" (.wmv trailer and gallery @, via Indie Nudes)
Previously: Pink and White Productions, Lust Films: "The Good Girl", Las Modelos, "Milking the Cow", Taschen's "Erotic Cinema" Preview, "Sex Objects"