Imagine if you will, unfathomable light years from now, when humankind has lived out its brief and insignificant existence, leaving only artifacts of debris and radiowaves flying off into the cosmos. In a far off galaxy, intelligent life intercepts a microwave hurtling through space; after careful analysis, they decode the binaries and construct two-dimensional visual images of what we Earth beings would recognize as a website of Swedish foot and leg fetish art. But to these beings who now know nothing of our proud civilization but this fine collection of 12-inch heels and long, stockinged legs, lovingly rendered in oil on canvas, what will their archaeologists think? Sure, this all could be the furthest thing from Anders Magnusson's mind when he creates paintings for his Silky Legs Studio—but in an infinitely parallel universe everything's bound to happen sooner or later. Luckily, you don't have to wait that long.A. Tolesco
Silky Legs Studio (
Previously:, Beauties With Shoes, Legs and Heels, Foot Fetish Simulator, Abused Shoes