It probably goes without saying that we don't speak Hungarian, but that's obviously never stopped us from enjoying a nice taste of Old World European porn. Plus, it's pretty obvious what the term "Jetski Jamboree" translates to: a huge photo gallery of naked babes enjoying their recreational vehicles - most of which are not actual jetskis, but why quibble? That's the beauty of porn ... it always makes sense, even when it doesn't.
· Erotika Parádé Jetski Jamboree (gallery + model "answer key" @
Previously: Eroticon 2006 Photos, Eve Angel Megagallery, Meet Monika Zsibrita, Vintage Hungarian Nudes, Budapest Sex Parade 2006, Magyar Lanyok: Hungarian Porn Babes, Hungarian Porn Oscars, Momo Goes to Hungary, Hungarian Sex Expo