For the record, not everyone who likes to dress up in homemade costumes does it to get their jollies in the bedroom. So don't click on expecting to see elaborate hardcore fantasies acted out by the cast of Star Trek. It's a community site that helps costume fans meet and also gives them a forum to share photos, stories, and even sewing tips. On the other hand, a lot of folks do get off on the funky wigs and capes, so the site is definitely worth checking out ... whether you took up your hobby because it gets you hot and bothered or because it gets you free admission to comic book conventions. If you're lucky, it does both.
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Previously: Superheroine Fantasies, Princess Leia's Metal Bikini Forever!, E3 Booth Babes 2006, Supergirls, Batman Fetish Shoot, Game Show and Cosplay Convention Cuties, Sexy Cosplay Angels