· Could former Nevada gubernatorial candidate Mimi Miyagi be heading back to her old job in porn? We'd hate for her to give up her political career, but it would be nice to see her take on a more respectable line of work. (mimimiyagi.blogspot.com)
· Did the 12-year-old star of "How To Eat Fried Worms," really get his big break in the Hungarian gay porn epic, "Fuck Factory"? Usually, it's "former child star" then the porn career, not the other way around. (imdb.com, via weeklydig.com + Gawker)
· If you think you're cool enough to read "Hipsterotica," guess what? You're not. Jerking off is so last year, you fucking poser. (hipsterotica.com, also via Gawker)
· Strippers in Grand Rapids, Michigan, must wear bikinis and stay away from customers in order comply with a new city ordinance, which pretty much makes them not strippers any more, by why quibble over details? (mlive.com)
· The chosen people look for their own, but this a being bit overprotective. (Google Video, via adrants.com)
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Previously: Morning Wood Archives/Wet Spots Archives