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Morning Wood


Each morning you wake up, before you put on your clothing, we have a little wank for you.

Do you wake with an erection? Is it a piss-erection? You know, a tube of hard meat that really is just holding the yellow stuff. Does it matter? If you're hard, you're hard. That's logic. And how do we follow up on being stiff? By masturbating, duh.

Just take a page from the playbook of our morning player here, who knows what to do when he wakes up in the morning, hard or not. He strokes himself to the point of no return, and then he goes farther.

For he is an adventuresome fellow, who follows his prick, wherever it goes, it finds the flavor of fruit, wherever it grows. And this fruit is growing very big just thinking about that fruit jerking and a tugging.

All this juicy meat makes us hungry. Let's compare our tube steaks. Look, there's more than enough to go around. Maybe after this guy comes we can get together for a barbecue. No shrimps-on-the-barbie bullshit, just a bunch of men getting together to grill their meat.

You know, grill, as in get the fire started by stroking the wood until it sparks and ignites in a passionate blaze. You never heard of the expression? That's because we just made it up. Please don't let it lie fallow. Use it, and make it grow.

Morning Wood via Xtube.com

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